
What is your philosophy about teaching and music education? What has led you down the path of teaching your musical specialty? What inspires you and your teaching techniques?

Passion is the backbone of music education; developing technique, learning theory, and creating a routine of practice all happen faster and more effortlessly when working to play the music that speaks to you. I believe in using my students' musical interests as a tool, teaching skills as they relate to the songs my students want to learn.

Where have you taught? Where and what do you currently teach? Where has your teaching career taken you in the world and as a profession?

I’ve worked as an English and Music teacher in a rural school in the north of Thailand. There, I taught kids ages 5 to 15. I have also worked as a beginning piano and drum teacher for students and peers at Middlebury college. I currently teach drums for MCMC.

Where have you performed and with whom? What roles did you have in your performances? If performance has not been a big part of your musical career, what are your thoughts and/or philosophy about performing?

I have played drums for the last 10 years for various bands and projects. I began with learning the grooves to classic rock songs (mostly those of Bruce Springsteen and Meat Loaf) before progressing and joining my high school's jazz band. Most recently, I played in the pit band for several Middlebury Town theater productions including Company and Big Fish. I also play drums for the funk fusion band Mutual Friends. I am experienced in styles ranging from jazz to rock to pop to funk.